Jeromy left on travel today. Under an hour ago he stopped by my office to say goodbye. Granted, it's only for a night or two, but hey, we're still newlyweds! So far in our ten married months we have only been apart three or so nights, when I had training up in Baltimore last December and stayed with his aunt Cheryl. Jeromy had travel last week too, but at the last minute drove home because he had to pick up an essential part to his equipment. That was nice. Husband slips into bed unexpectedly at 11:30. Before that I couldn't sleep. It's just too weird to sleep alone anymore. But once Jeromy came home, zzzzzzzz!
One really feels the depth of love for another when that person is away. Even for one night. That ache. And I already cleaned the house on Sunday morning before church (yes, really!) so how in the world am I going to keep myself busy tonight?! Now I know why so many people keep their TVs or radios on all the time. It lessons the sense of lonely in the absence of a loved one.
One thing I learned real quick while trying to fall asleep on that Jeromy-less night last week. It is so easy to latch on to another person as your security and comfort and well-being. I realize Jeromy is God's gift and that I should embrace and rejoice in everything that a husband is to a wife, and yet, even though we are one and though Jeromy is my earthly joy, a man can never fill the role of God in my life. But it can be easy to view him that way if I'm not careful. It's easy to be devastated and depressed when we have to be apart, looking to Jeromy to fill me up instead my Creator.
Jeromy is tangible. I see his face and feel his touch and hear his voice. And he is literally mine. But I cannot be sustained by my husband the way God can sustain me. I will not spend eternity as Jeromy's wife because it merely points to my future union with Christ, though I can't see Him yet. I am not promised one more minute with the man I love, and I need to be ok with that. I need to thrive with that mindset so that I'm free to really live and love.
A lot of the time it is very difficult for me to understand how we are to enjoy things on this earth. God gives us good things, but they are still ultimately His. Sometimes I am actually afraid to enjoy something completely because there is always that chance that God will take it away. There is always this nagging in the back of my mind that I am loving something too much, and that when it is gone I will then hurt too much. And that is exactly the place I need to grow. We are to hold things loosely because we serve a God who both gives and takes away. The only thing He does not take away is Himself, and that needs to be enough.
Everything else He gives us is pure grace and nothing more. I don't deserve to call Jeromy mine, but because of grace, I do. I shouldn't have been given the opportunity to go to college and get a decent job, but because of grace, I was. And it is only grace that lets me wake up each morning and walk and eat and breathe. And if God should one day take any or all of those things away, I have to believe He is still good, and that He is and will always be enough.
In the meantime...I get to experience the sweetness of waking up next to my crazy-amazing-bedhead husband, and let me tell you, there's almost nothing better in life than that!