Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh, Preston!

This totally reveals how often (or not so often) I've been posting lately! I had been kicking myself thoroughly for not waiting until this week to submit my week 1 photo entry for I Heart Faces. This week's theme is "Joy", and if this is not joy, I don't know what is!

Kicking myself...until I remembered this shot of Preston I took this Fall!

Check it out - his shirt reads, "MY MOM KICKS HARDER THAN YOUR MOM". Love it!


My amazing cousin Jason and his wife Janelle are parents to him and his five siblings. They have one biological child and five foster, including Preston, all of whom they plan to adopt this year!

Please pray for them, as they recently faced some bumps along the road in their journey to adopt one of the children. God couldn't have been more gracious to Preston and his brothers and sisters than to choose this godly, loving young couple to parent these sweet kids!

Also pray that God might provide a new ministry for Jason as he serves the Lord and financially provides for his family. And soon, as funds to salary him have run out in his present ministry. Because the adoptions are not final, the family must remain either within the state or the county, which limits their options. But they are confident (we are too!) that God knows their situation and will continue to bless and guide them!

L-R: Paul, Anna, Preston, Baby Malachi, Kalynn, Jason (Daddy), Baby Amos, Janelle (Mommy)


Anonymous said...

Those are sweet photos.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

What beautiful people they are! I love your joyful photos.

co-founder of I ♥ Faces

Rachel said...

Seriously... how do you choose which picture/person? They all look so JOYFUL! :)

coupongeek said...

Sorry for posting this here but I couldn't find your email address on your blog.

I love your E2 Challenge Sponsorship idea! I am going to throw up a posting on it.

I'll incorporate the idea onto the blog. I'm thinking I can put a spot up to list those that are sponsoring people and their names and a place to record their progress for "kudos."

Thanks for sharing! I'll be posting total credit for the idea to you.

~Jaycie / Coupon Geek

coupongeek said...


Can you please send me your email address so I can toss out an idea to you?

I'm at
