Monday, May 18, 2009

Things to Consciously Work On

Unpacking, though tedious, can be surprisingly fun. Especially the digging through boxes that have long been in storage and finding places for each item. Over the course of the last week since we closed on our house, some aspects of the unpacking has even felt like Christmas!

"I totally forgot about that!"

"I didn't know I still had this!"

"I don't even remember writing this!"

I have been rediscovering so many papers and journals of my past that I have been enjoying coming across. I love having record of so many little pieces of my past. They've all shaped me. I am no longer the person who wrote in the moment (just as I am not the person I was last month or even last week) but, compiled, they make up my biography.

One such interesting find was a list I made one night back in December of 2003. I believe I was reading the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren at the time, and for whatever reason, I felt I needed some personal, visible accountability in my life. I recall thinking I would scribble up a list of 10 things to work on, and I just kept writing, and writing, until I covered an entire notebook sheet front and back! And I know I could certainly add to the list!

I wanted to type up this list before I lose it one way or another because, if not a standard, it is a good guidline and reminder. I let Jeromy read the list the other day and he said it sounded like a list for anyone.

Many aspirations in this list sound lofty and unreachable (and they are), and a couple of them even contradict one another(!), but I remember being absolutely serious when I wrote out each one. It reveals how God was working in my heart during that time. And maybe once again, now that I've stumbled upon it!

The list is entitled, "Things to Consciously Work On"

-telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but


-thinking rationally, logically, and thoroughly before acting or speaking

-honoring my parents

-speaking my faith to believers and non-believers alike

-community with God through prayer consistently

-having a good attitude

-patience and trust when in a hurry or when disappointed


-dependence on God - not feeling like I have to seek what I want, knowing God does what is best in His timing

-uplifting and encouraging others in various forms

-dedicating each day to God and living the day in light of that prayer

-Bible study - quantity and quality

-doing everything and living every moment for the glory of God; doing my best with whatever task God has given me to do - any time and any size

-loving others unconditionally when annoyed or rejected

-good stewaredship with my money

-good stewardship with my time - focus on what is really important; don't waste a moment

-stop and reflect on blessings with gratitude

-work on social/conversational skills

-drive safely and aware always of surroundings (ha ha! love this one!)

-not being envious of another's gifts, such as: singing or writing skills and exposure, connections with famous people, spiritual walk, relationship, career, family, friends, motivation, etc.; I need to be thankful for the provision and portion God has graciously given me

-budgeting time and energy (balance); don't get consumed with just one thing, even if it is a good thing

-give full attention and devotion to responsibilities

-stewardship of my body the Temple, including healthy eating habits, exercise, sleep, loud music, etc.; I can't be used by God with a broken body

-stop worrying; give God my fears and concerns instead

-think on Philippians 4:8 things, especially what is real and true; don't dwell on the past or daydream about bad things that could happen in the future, even good things that may or may never happen, as none of these things are true now; focus on the present and take opportunities God provides daily - preparing for future responsibilities, ministry opportunities, etc.

-memorize Scripture, especially reviewing salvation verses so that I am equipped when I need them

-don't allow even good Christian music to run my life - is it becoming a god?

-live so that Christ is my Lord. Seek His will upon decision making

-trust God to help me do something I don't want to do or don't feel qualified to do

-learn how to cook, take care of a car, sew simple things, use a check book properly; education myself about insurance, simle plumbing and housekeeping strategies, equipment, and products so that I am well prepared to live on my own or become an adequate helper for a husband someday (yeah, I was lame for not knowing how to do these things!)

-don't be afraid to fall in love

-don't write to impress others, but because I mean it

-stop being a perfectionist

-obey right away when God directs

-let others know they are loved and appreciated

-don't get distracted easily - stay focused

-go the extra mile in everything (ha! but don't be a perfectionist, how does that work??)

-live above reproach; Christ is the example and goal

-sacrifice and surrender what I want for the good of others

-live for Eternity; don't get caught up even in good things, as this world is not my home. God is my prize.

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