Ok, so I take long breaks in between blogging, but when I get back on the horse, I get back on the horse! Perhaps it could have something to do myself being the only one home in the evenings this week, who knows?
I often think of blog topics daily, but even more often wind up forgetting them. I really should try to capture my thoughts in a pocket notebook, so to avoid "blank page syndrome", the blog version to "writer's block". Although, this is the bride who used to carry a notebook everywhere, which worked great until she absentmindedly left the notebook, containing the exhaustive wedding gift "from list" on some shelf at Target, of all places! And of course, this was before any of the thank you notes got sent out!
Why is it that I do my best thinking while I'm either in the car, in the shower, or putting on makeup? Why not somewhere more practical, like, say, my desk at work or at our breakfast bar where I can write these things down?? For months I kept telling myself to go grab some Post-Its to keep in my bathroom so I could jot down my brilliant thought-of-the-moment before it could leave the building. For months I told myself this, but was apparently too lazy to walk the few short steps into the other room to fetch a pad and pen. So I just continued to forget things. I have since broken down and grabbed the Post-Its. Soooo hard! Now I'm not forgetting anything at the grocery store or any other store! Less trips means time spent, less gas burned.... Hey! The Post-It thing is kinda frugal if I do say so myself! And, it keeps my blog radar up!
I don't have much more of an update on my dad, only that he is weaker still and that eating has only become a worse source of frustration to him. Nobody knows for sure, but the end could very well be near. I last spoke with my dad two days ago, and it took him a while to form sentences, pausing a bit between each phrase. I am just numb.
I'd still like to share some pictures!

We needed a brother/sister shot with Dad, and baby Scarlett just happened to be in the picture as well. :)

Here is my brother Justin, his wife Bekka, and of course, Scarlett. This was the first time my dad got to see his grandaughter.

The Spoiler! (Nevermind the room...the whole house was a makeshift disaster that week!)

A good photo of my mom and dad

Trying to be a macho dad (keyword: "trying")

If this continues, she'll be stealing the car keys and eloping somewhere in California by the time she turns 16!

Sleepy girl!

SO cute!

While we were in Minnesota last month, my cousin Jason's wife Janelle gave birth to their first biological child, Malachi Elias. We were thrilled to get to see them and the baby, as we certainly did not plan on taking this trip, and the timing just happened to work out! Jason and Janelle also have 5 foster children that they hope to adopt. It looks like they have a great chance to adopt the oldest four, who are siblings, this Fall. They are Kalynn, Preston, Paul, and Anna. They received their youngest foster child, Amos, when he was just 8 days old, and a premie, at that! Pray for Amos, as some of his biological family has recently come forward with the desire to adopt him. Jason and Janelle consider Amos their son, and need the peace to trust the sovereignty and faithfulness of our great God. They want nothing more than for ALL of these children to grow up in godly homes and each come to know Christ.

The whole crew at the hospital, the day after Malachi's birth. One of the kids calls him "Baby Chi". I love that!

Here we are holding our cousin-once-removed...or something like that. He's got his daddy's super long fingers (great for basketball and piano!) and toes (they call them his "finger toes"!). Good luck buying shoes for that little guy!

And here is the not so little fam at home! Jason and Janelle are our age! They have a lot of love to give, and must have a ton of patience! I love how Malachi looks like he's saluting in this picture. He's like, "I've resigned my only child status and submit to the easy-going lifestyle." How can he not?! He's only 2 weeks old and Janelle said he already sleeps 8 hours - that's more than his 4 month old brother!
Such a fun family!
I often think of blog topics daily, but even more often wind up forgetting them. I really should try to capture my thoughts in a pocket notebook, so to avoid "blank page syndrome", the blog version to "writer's block". Although, this is the bride who used to carry a notebook everywhere, which worked great until she absentmindedly left the notebook, containing the exhaustive wedding gift "from list" on some shelf at Target, of all places! And of course, this was before any of the thank you notes got sent out!
Why is it that I do my best thinking while I'm either in the car, in the shower, or putting on makeup? Why not somewhere more practical, like, say, my desk at work or at our breakfast bar where I can write these things down?? For months I kept telling myself to go grab some Post-Its to keep in my bathroom so I could jot down my brilliant thought-of-the-moment before it could leave the building. For months I told myself this, but was apparently too lazy to walk the few short steps into the other room to fetch a pad and pen. So I just continued to forget things. I have since broken down and grabbed the Post-Its. Soooo hard! Now I'm not forgetting anything at the grocery store or any other store! Less trips means time spent, less gas burned.... Hey! The Post-It thing is kinda frugal if I do say so myself! And, it keeps my blog radar up!
I don't have much more of an update on my dad, only that he is weaker still and that eating has only become a worse source of frustration to him. Nobody knows for sure, but the end could very well be near. I last spoke with my dad two days ago, and it took him a while to form sentences, pausing a bit between each phrase. I am just numb.
I'd still like to share some pictures!

We needed a brother/sister shot with Dad, and baby Scarlett just happened to be in the picture as well. :)

Here is my brother Justin, his wife Bekka, and of course, Scarlett. This was the first time my dad got to see his grandaughter.

The Spoiler! (Nevermind the room...the whole house was a makeshift disaster that week!)

A good photo of my mom and dad

Trying to be a macho dad (keyword: "trying")

If this continues, she'll be stealing the car keys and eloping somewhere in California by the time she turns 16!

Sleepy girl!

SO cute!

While we were in Minnesota last month, my cousin Jason's wife Janelle gave birth to their first biological child, Malachi Elias. We were thrilled to get to see them and the baby, as we certainly did not plan on taking this trip, and the timing just happened to work out! Jason and Janelle also have 5 foster children that they hope to adopt. It looks like they have a great chance to adopt the oldest four, who are siblings, this Fall. They are Kalynn, Preston, Paul, and Anna. They received their youngest foster child, Amos, when he was just 8 days old, and a premie, at that! Pray for Amos, as some of his biological family has recently come forward with the desire to adopt him. Jason and Janelle consider Amos their son, and need the peace to trust the sovereignty and faithfulness of our great God. They want nothing more than for ALL of these children to grow up in godly homes and each come to know Christ.

The whole crew at the hospital, the day after Malachi's birth. One of the kids calls him "Baby Chi". I love that!

Here we are holding our cousin-once-removed...or something like that. He's got his daddy's super long fingers (great for basketball and piano!) and toes (they call them his "finger toes"!). Good luck buying shoes for that little guy!

And here is the not so little fam at home! Jason and Janelle are our age! They have a lot of love to give, and must have a ton of patience! I love how Malachi looks like he's saluting in this picture. He's like, "I've resigned my only child status and submit to the easy-going lifestyle." How can he not?! He's only 2 weeks old and Janelle said he already sleeps 8 hours - that's more than his 4 month old brother!
Such a fun family!
I think that it's so wonderful that your cousin is trying to adopt four siblings. I've wanted to do that someday, to keep a family together. It's a beautiful thing.
tara, those are really nice pictures of your family. jason and i really need to get a sitter (or many sitters) and go see you dad again soon. we pray for him often.
it was great to see you at the hospital. i am glad we could time our kid's birth while you were in town.
scarlet is so pretty. i can't wait to meet her.
Beautiful pictures! What a gorgeous family you have!
By the way, I love Kari Jobe and the link in your sidebar. Gateway Church is just down the street from here...
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