What is the most stupid thing you have ever done? I mean embarrassingly foolish and idiotic? My husband mentioned such an instance in his life which happened just last week. Sitting in a conference room at work, he waited for a scheduled meeting to start. He noticed that everyone had arrived…except a co-worker named Kevin, though characterized as routinely late, even forgetful regarding meetings.
Just as they were about to begin, Jeromy spoke up, "Wait, we can't start yet. Kevin's not here." And wouldn't you know, there was Kevin, sitting directly across the table from Jeromy. After everyone had a good chuckle, Kevin took off his eyeglasses and offered them to my slightly vision- impaired and flushing husband.
"Would these help?" he joked.
"Yeah, but you're usually late to meetings so I just assumed today would be no different." Good defense, but not enough to get him off the hook.
My own experience also has to do with eyesight, takes place at work, and is just as humiliating. After Jeromy and I got married last summer I took a job as a receptionist for a local oral surgeon. After a few weeks the doc needed some extra hands in surgery…holding heads, suctioning, all the "fun" stuff. Yeah right. While I can now say I'm glad for the 3 months of healthcare experience, I wouldn't go back for anything. I learned that I can deal just fine with my own blood, but I would rather not see the blood of anyone else. I would rather have oral surgery done on myself than watch someone else get oral surgery!
Anyway, a couple months into the position I was asked to hold the head of a teenage boy who needed some gum work done. And that's not the chewing kind! And of course, that meant a LOT of blood, which I was just so excited about. The boy had already been administered the anesthesia and was out cold, and Dr. Z (as we called him) was about to take out the drill. *scary music* Just before he started drilling I realized I didn't have my safety glasses on!
"Wait!" I said with sudden alarm "I can't find my goggles! Everyone looked up at me as I went digging into my lab coat pockets. They looked at one another in confusion, then looked back at me.
"You're wearing them," one of the other assistants bluntly pointed out, most certainly relishing this blonde moment. No way, I thought. My goggles are bulky and so fogged up that I always notice them. I reached my hand up to my eyes and….touched hard plastic rims. Doh!
Ok, so the latest stupid thing I did has to do with something I used to as a kid (which was strange in and of itself). Jeromy and I got to talking one evening last week, and I can't remember how the subject came up, but we discussed some of the acrobatics we used to do. Namely, stand on our head. Apparently, I used to stand on my head for 20 or 30 minutes at a time, and to this day I have no idea why! I'd watch TV standing on my head! I think maybe I did it because I was good at it, even though the stunt itself was uncomfortable. At least, I would hope so! Because it certainly was uncomfortable – and painful! – when Jeromy and I decided to see if the good 'ol "head stand" could still be done. Jeromy went first, and wasn't so successful. Determined, I went to try, and failed on the first attempt. The second try; victorious for about 30 seconds (as opposed to minutes), although a little wobbly. After I "landed" I decided that I should probably quit while I'm ahead, and to never to try that again!
Initially I felt no physical consequence for standing on my head. A couple days later, however, I woke up to an incredibly stiff neck and shoulders. The plus was that Jeromy granted me several massages that hurt like the dickens but felt amazing for the very reason that it hurt like the dickens. The next day the pain subsided, and I hardly noticed it. I went about my regular workout regimen for two days and felt fine both during and after working out.
The day after that second workout; Saturday, the stiffness returned so horribly that I felt stricken in bed! Just washing my hair and putting my clothes on in the morning seemed like huge chores.
Monday morning left me moaning and groaning, and Jeromy wouldn't let me go to work without at least seeing my doctor. I fought it because I always think whatever is wrong with me will just go away with time, or I can deal with it because life has to go on! I can't miss a whole day of work since I am considered a part time employee with no paid sick leave, much less any other benefits. Plus tomorrow is a workout day and I can't be drugged up on medications that make you drowsy and dizzy!
Now it's Tuesday, I carpooled to work after taking the day off yesterday, and I'm walking (and talking) a little slow. I hope to hit the gym tonight once the meds wear off (only cardio, I promise!), but I still plan on carpooling again tomorrow once the next dose kicks in.
I just can't believe that I have to go through all this just because I did something stupid. Especially as stupid as standing on my head! I'm not 6 years old for goodness sake! I know I have a really hard time slowing down, and that this experience should let me catch my breath, but it's still an inconvenience. It's one thing if you hurt yourself playing sports, or even get rear ended, but there's no excuse for this one!
I think I'll try standing on my feet from now on….