Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I honestly didn't think I had anything to say about the election results, but...

Something I find profound is that I don't remember hearing so many people responding to the outcomes of the last two elections (Bush and Bush) with as much determination and even desperation to pray for our nation as this one. Maybe the outcome of this election is just what conservative Christians, as a whole, have needed. Overnight, there seems to have spread a greater dependency on God with regards to our government and our future.

And I say that's a good thing!

Upon the election of Obama, we're quick to say how we trust that "God is sovereign and on His throne". True and amen! Yet, did we believe, live, and demonstrate these truths just as fiercely over the past eight years as has been expressed today? Or did we subconsciously put our trust in the Republican party, and only now that conservatism as we knew it (or at least a version of it) has been snatched up from under our feet, do we cling so tightly to "God's plan" and "God's will"? It's easy to grow distant, perhaps self-confident, when our Christian values don't seem so greatly at stake. When the tangible is gone, we relent to faith.

Although, every believer who has ever lived has struggled with this in some aspect of life. Faith is easy in smooth waters. So easy that it's not really faith. And I think I read somewhere about how life's trials can plant seeds of patience and perseverance. Couldn't hurt, right?

Just some thoughts based on the election reactions of several, if not most of my conservative Christian friends. (More like every other person's Facebook status!) If this is how God is going to dirty our knees and remind us Who alone is trustworthy, so be it! May Christ be glorified and prayer revived among His Church not just upon, but also throughout and beyond this next presidential term.


Amanda said...

Excellent, excellent post...

Anonymous said...

you make a good point Tara!