Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sharing more than "wealth"

A couple years ago when I was a nanny I stumbled upon the AnySoldier program website, and thought it would be a great project for myself and the kids! I especially wanted to teach them about war and our freedom, especially since they were boys who enjoyed playing "fighting" video games (and what boy doesn't!).

The boys wrote thank you cards for the recipient soldier, and helped me fill the package with toiletries and treats. In addition I wrote up a letter that included sharing my faith, and also purchased an inexpensive Walkman and made a few tapes of encouraging Christian songs. I couldn't believe you could still buy Walkmans these days, but it was a lot cheaper than going all out for a Discman!

All this was before my frugal days...and, unfortunately, well before my CVS awareness! With my present stash of free goodies, though, I could send out several care packages and pay only postage!

About a month and a half later we finally received an email reply from our soldier, Fred, who had been given the care package. The boys LOVED getting a reply. Hearing from a real live soldier stationed in Afghanistan made this project seem less like a project and more real-life.

Fred and I continued to correspond, and he began asking some serious questions about spiritual things. Surprised by his own inquiries, as he is extremely skeptical by nature, Fred seemed genuinely curious, opening up a little bit more with each exchange of emails.

Eventually Fred became a believer all the way out there in the "sandbox", as he regularly referred to his location. Even today I am floored by the means God chooses by which to call His elect. Who would have thought our project would extend as far as a soul finding Christ?!

Well I became an AnySoldier junkie after that! When my pocket book began to suffer, I quit sending full-fledged care packages but kept sending letters. It was like I had found my own secret little ministry!

Hopefully the day will come when we won't have any soldiers overseas with care package needs!!! But since we do, we might as well take advantage of the opportunity to bless and encourage these military men and women. These people are far away from our capitalistic, consumerist society, and since they are surrounded every day by the reality of death, their hearts tend to grow soft and more open to the gospel!

Some time after our email exchange, Fred surprised us with a folded American flag which had been flown over Afghanistan in our honor! Complete with a certificate with my name! That was definitely one of the most thoughtful gifts I have received!

*A little bit of irony, the creator and founder of AnySoldier, Brian Horn, is originally from LaPlata, Maryland, just a jaunt up the road from where we live in California, Maryland! But when I first heard of the program, I was living in Minnesota!

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34-35, ESV).

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